facebook. in its purest form is meant to be used to keep in touch wid ur frens and ur loved ones. today, it's not. especially in malaysia whereby its notoriously used to hook up wid as many 'frens' as possible, not even know who those frens are. so take ur stand. and remember dat sick article whereby a depressed teenager in malaysia posted her suicidal note on facebook only to be LIKED by her so-called frens. tragic. i should probably take a stand on facebook at this point. stop liking people. isnt it so true dat facebook FORCES you to like people. facebook, twitter feeds the madness frenzied state of modern voyuerism, and the more you see dirty laundry aired in public, the 'higher' you get. as long as we are on da topic on dirty laundry ... wtf is ryan & choy doing saying sorries to one another in fucking public when its evident they're not da slut here. ok, just had to get dat out of my system. nwayz,think its time we restrict only the ones dat care enough to check in wid u using phone calls, personal emails and good old face-to-face that only they should be on ur facebook frens list. and the LIKE button is meant only for them. special people in our lives. XoXo ;)