3 Sept 2011 - H&M Singapore opened its doors here. Apparently, Singaporeans camped outside on the night before the opening (LIKE KIASU SIAO ... hahaha). And no, in case you're wondering - i did not camped outside, at least NOT for H&M. Okay, fine. If they had the Cavalli collection or Stella McCartney for H&M collection - I will. But in this case, they don't have - so I'm not gonna subject myself to this siao-ness. It was near-impossible to get in on the first day - the queues were like mile-long all the way towards Orchard Central. You get ma drift ... but The Superfairy, your typical trooper got in anyways. Heh. I just have ONE anecdote to share. so the fitting rooms were like crazy (see, Singaporeans just don't care if it's overpriced. it's important to be able to tell all their chick frens dat they WENT already to H&M store the next day ...) i din wanna queue up fer da fitting rooms, and i went to try in front of a mirror (yes, i can actually tell if the dress fits or not) ... and suddenly, a Singaporean auntie wuz angling me from the side for the mirror. I mean, c'mon - sighhhh ... do i have to do this now???? So I wuz polite and said to her, "Look, I'm gonna be for awhile here since I've got a few dresses." Auntie din get the message ... she said to me "CAN I JUST TRY THIS ON?" THE FUCK. Which part of my message she din get right? After being ignored (I just continued trying ...), she fumed at the side saying "You know, you are really rude if you dunwan me to try, then just say cannot." From here, I said " Okay, cannot. Look, I was already polite enough to let you know I will be awhile here." To which of course she said BITCH, so I returned the favor without hesitation "Yeah, you too." Nways, the point is i am KIASU like anything as well but let's just be civilized. Everyone wants to try on new stuff at a cool store ... when someone is trying something on, and she tells you nicely she might take some time and she GOT the mirror first - please step back and not insist on your turn. There are enough items in H&M for everyone - but since this is Singapore (maybe not) ... if not, do the one better - take your shopping at H&M overseas ... you get 3 stores in one street. And I guarantee you loads of options.