Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Old Town of Villefranche - Vielle Ville

As you walk upwards FROM the beachfront area, it will become steeper (see pictures). Like Monaco, the town of Villefranche is on top of hills & so the lanes & streets moving inwards will all be angled at 45 degrees (you catch my drift). You are walking at an incline, and not flat surface - so be prepared for a nice exercise !

As you walk inwards, you are actually walking through The Old Town (or Vielle Ville as the locals call it). It really nice with little shops selling knick knacks and souvenirs.

There are also cafes and restaurants if you just want to rest your feet. For me, I thought the walk was actually no sweat. But this is coming from a seasoned fashionista with tonnes and tonnes of walking practice shopping.

So I reckon for the young and energetic, walking on constant incline is not a problem. But for those lacking of exercise, still I don't see any problems if you walk at a leisurely pace and stop for a cuppa along one of the cafes.

Enjoy !