Sunday, July 14, 2013


This is one of the must-see historic places in Villefranche. I actually gave up trying to find this place on my own, and then what do you know ... it's actually right up the Vielle Ville alleys.

When you walk upwards from the beach area, you will cross the shops of The Old Town. Walk straight on up and you will come to a signage like this (see left).
And voila ! There's the Citadelle ... it's actually a museum now. In the past it used to be a fortress. I spent some time there, but to be quite frank ... it was too hot for me to appreciate much.
Walking on cobblestones at the Citadelle area ... enough to make you wince at the thought of having to walk upwards some more on an incline back to the hotel afterwards ... hahaha ... nah ... it wasn't too bad.